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Modern Wind Mills
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Lack of wind hits wind energy production in The Netherlands

The production of wind energy in the Netherlands fell by 13% last year despite the increase in the number of turbines, the national statistics office CBS said on Monday. The decline was due to a lack of wind. According to a special wind index, which takes 100 as the benchmark, last year the amount of wind fell to 77, the CBS said.
The amount of sustainable energy produced in the Netherlands remained 9% of the total last year, in line with EU targets.
Source: www.dutchnews.nl, Febr. 28th 2011

Wind mills kill bats and birds

bat sticker at wind mill

klik click on picture for enlargement

  bird choppers and back up facilities for wind mill parks

Wind mill farms need back up facilities

Wind mill farms need back up facilities (conventional power stations) for when there is too much or too litle wind or when the mills need repairs. Also, extra power nets are needed to transport electricity from the wind mill farms. All this costs extra and causes extra horizon pollution

Horizon pollution

wind mills in evening light
source: climategate.nl. d.d. august 20th 2012

Even when considering the horizon pollution modern wind mills create, a talented artist or photographer may still produce an artistic view.

If you wish to learn more about the principles of wind energy and the history of wind mills, you may enjoy folling the internet slide-lecture from MIT- the Massachusets Institute of Technology: Wind Power Fundamentals.

you are here : index of content - ENERGY - renewable energy - modern wind mills
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This website is an activity of Van der Molen Financial Services,
Copyright 2010 f(f): Dr. Hugo H. van der Molen (editor)

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